Moving on Over, To the West Side

After a glorious 14 years in East Harlem, it was finally time for a change. Now I’m not going to lie — leaving was tough. We lived in an amazing building with fantastic neighbors that we will truly miss. The neighborhood was a real home for us (just take a look at our blog posts!), and we have so many good memories of the people and places that we came in contact with everyday. But 2020 arrived and changed a lot of outlooks for everyone across the city and the world. Looking ahead, it was hard to imagine climbing 5 flights of stairs forever (approximately 107,000 steps in my estimate over 14 years), and plus, sometimes change is just what you need in your life.

At our new home, we’re even closer to Central Park with more space, and even more important, closer to my dad who has lived on the Upper West Side since 2017. So we already had a good sense of the new neighborhood before we made the move. Being as close to family seems more important than ever after the last 12 months.

The funny thing is that, even after a move across the park, we are still located “Across 106th Street.” So the blog name will remain despite the change of address!

About Craig Nelson

Exploring, cooking, drinking, riding the subway, bowling...a writer and editor based in New York. I'm a city lover who edits the blog for EuroCheapo, writes for, explores for Spotted By Locals and has worked at various under-the-radar companies like Google. Feel free to drop a line at or on twitter at @across106th.
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